This is because flat paint tends to reduce surface reflections, and as a result, will hide a great deal more imperfections, (dents, dings, scratches, bad drywall seams, etc…) But seriously, this is an important question, both because the qualities of each type of sheen dictate the “performance” of the finish, and because when chosen properly, either flat or eggshell/satin will provide a more satisfying final product. If there WAS a short answer to this question, it would go something like this: If your friends are constantly telling you that your walls are in ROUGH SHAPE, and that it is time to do something about it if you are EVER going to have the girlfriend or boyfriend that you dream of, then you are looking at a FLAT paint situation. When Walls are either new or in good shape with quality drywall seams.When the ability to Touch Up small areas is less of a concern.Times to Choose EGGSHELL/SATIN PAINT finish In Closets or other sometimes hidden / Often damaged areas.When Walls have imperfections in drywall that are not easily fixed.When the ability to Touch Up small areas is a concern.This article will discuss the pros and cons of each type of sheen and which situations generally call for which paints. Probably the single most frequent question we are asked as painters, (after “and just how much does something like that cost?”) is “ should I use Flat or Eggshell/Satin paint?” Well, there is no simple answer! However, there are many situations where one is preferable over the other. Happy reading and we hope this article helps make the process of choosing paint easier… Therefore, we are lumping these terms together for the purpose of our comparison with flat paint for this article. However, most paint brands do not carry both an eggshell AND a satin. GENERALLY SPEAKING, satin tends to have a slightly higher sheen level. EGGSHELL and SATIN are both names to describe the amount of sheen (the amount of shine or gloss) in paint. PAINT SHEEN GUIDE: PAINT SHEEN GUIDE: FLAT VS EGGSHELL VS SATIN **To avoid confusion, a quick definition to start this article. TO SHEEN or NOT TO SHEEN? THIS IS THE QUESTION.